January 2019. The purpose of the Pacific City/Woods Community Plan is to provide guidance to, and predictability in, the development of the community.

The transportation plan includes consideration of project development patterns, community interconnecting routes, alternative development styles, pedestrian and bicycle needs, transit needs, river and beach access, gateways into Pacific City,

September 2016. The Cape Kiwanda Master Plan is a blueprint to improve, locate, and develop tourism-related facilities and infrastructure within the Cape Kiwanda Focus Area.

Kittleson & Assoc July 2019. This commissioned study was to identify parking strategies to improve the visitor experience and livability for Pacific City/Woods residents, especially during peak summer months.
The Parking Management Plan will coordinate short and long term
parking throughout the area.

The Goal: a place for community events, educational opportunities, activities for toddlers, school age kids, pre teens, teens , young families, grandparents and retirees.
Oregon Tsunami Evacuation
Wayfinding Guidance
As your community moves forward to create safe and useful evacuation routes, there are some key things to consider.
Map of current Tsunami Evacuation Routes
Oregon Deptartment of Geology and Mineral Industries Tsunami Evacuation Analysis of Pacific City, Tillamook County, Oregon
The Tillamook Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) was conducted to ensure that the County can plan for coordinated housing growth in line with community preferences and market forces.
Also view: Website Link: https://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/ComDev/HousingCommission/housing.htm
Housing Crisis Documentary, please click here.
Strategic Plan
2017 Housing Task Force Recommendation Housing Study
Tillamook County Dept of Community Development commissioned a report related to concerns to Short-Term Rentals.