On Wednesday 4/5/23 the first of several region-wide public presentations from FEMA on "THE MODIFICATION TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PLAN" was held. As reported earlier, this plan will severely impact future development in Tillamook County & most importantly, Pacific City-Woods. Tillamook County would have to strictly adhere to this new program guidelines or lose out on future Flood Insurance funding.
Thanks to Jane Scott of Jane Scott Video Productions from Netarts who recorded the meeting, here is the link to the 2.5 hour presentation & slides: https://tctv.viebit.com/player.php?hash=MaNgrVuIgZzF
Also below is a follow-up email to the meeting members and how anyone can voice your opinion before its too late. Comments are due by May 5th or sooner.
Here are two important links for FEMA’s implementation plan, including the second link where scoping comments can be submitted. Jeremy and Sarah and others part of Oregonian’s for Floodplain Protection will be submitting comments however comments from the Tillamook County realtor community are also greatly appreciated.
Implementation Meeting Information Page: National Flood Insurance Program – Endangered Species Act Integration in Oregon | FEMA.gov
Scoping comments due May 5th, Submit Comments Here: Federal Register :: Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Oregon