Our quarterly PC-Woods CAC meeting is this Saturday, November 9, from 10am-12pm. I will share the Zoom meeting link as a reply to this email later this week.
Here is what is on the agenda:
Latest updates re: FEMA BiOp decision
Permitting process for properties in the floodplain
Latest updates re: Pacific City Airport
Updates on Middle Housing
Land use committee meeting regarding SB 406 (middle housing) in Q1 2025
Recent events, news, & updates since the August 2024 meeting
Call for volunteers: Board positions, meeting set up/breakdown, subcommittees, etc.
Other things to know:
There is a special meeting on Thursday, November 14, at the Port of Tillamook Bay (and on Zoom), where we will have time to share PC-Woods’ community members’ public comments on the FEMA BiOp options. We will be passing out comment cards to attendees at Saturday’s meeting.
Those comments will also be accepted if you wish to prepare something in advance and bring it to the meeting.
We will also have a digital Google Form available for people who cannot join the meeting or those who join us on Zoom. These comments will be shared at the November 14 meeting.
If you have development plans that need permits and your property falls within the FEMA flood plain, you MUST schedule a meeting with Melissa in the Tillamook County Community Development office BY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2024. Meetings scheduled after this date will have additional restrictions, and permits are not guaranteed.
PLEASE NOTE: The official deadline is December 1; however, Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28, the Community Development office is closed on Friday, November 29, and December 1 is Sunday. You will only be able to schedule meetings with the Community Development office regarding permitting through November 27th, so please plan.
These development meetings ARE NOT for people interested in buying a property and wondering what they can do with it. If you are scheduling these meetings, you need to come prepared with a plan that outlines what improvements you want to make to your property.
If you need to schedule an appointment, please call 503-842-3408 to speak with Deborah Dixon. The best times to call are 8-11am or 1:30-4pm. She will schedule your meeting with Melissa. You can also stop by the Community Development office in Tillamook at Port of Tillamook Bay to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins for appointments are very difficult to accommodate, so please call or stop by to schedule a meeting in advance.
Here is some more information regarding FEMA:
To access the FEMA Flood Maps:
This link should take you directly to the maps: https://hazards-fema.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8b0adb51996444d4879338b5529aa9cd
If that doesn’t work…
Follow this link: https://www.fema.gov/flood-maps
Scroll down to the middle of the page, and click the “National Flood Hazard Layer” button
Scroll down to the first section, and click the “NFHL Viewer” button
Go to the address bar in the top left, and type in any address or zip code to see the corresponding flood maps. Zoom in using the + / - buttons next to the address bar to see the overlays. Below is a screen grab of just the top left corner of the map page.
When you get to the maps, this is the key to reading them. Blue-Green and red are the areas of concern. Orange, or no color, doesn’t matter.
Sharlys Leszczuk
PC-Woods CAC Chair
(973) 255-9463